Ten Yoga Poses for Kids
Below is a list of the top 10 yoga poses that can be practiced by the kids. It can be performed by kids of all ages. Performing the yoga poses together can make the practice enjoyable and fun.
1. Easy Sitting Pose (Sukhasana)
As the name suggests, the easy sitting pose is a simple yoga pose for kids that is easy to do. It includes crossing the legs and sitting up straight. A number of kids know this yoga pose by the name “crisscross applesauce”.
How To Do It:
Sit on the floor and keep your back tall and straight
Cross your legs and bring the knees closer to the ground
The hands can be placed on the knees and face must be kept up. The hands can also be held together at the heart center.
Remain in the same position for a number of breaths or while meditating
Benefits Of The Pose:
Increases focus
Lowers stress
Promotes relaxation
Strengthens the back muscles
Corrects the posture
Increases flexibility in the legs and hips
The kids can practice this pose while focusing on a particular image or thought or taking deep breaths.
2. Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Another simple and easy yoga pose for the kids is the Child’s pose or Balasana. In this pose, the child has to sit back on the heels and fold forward. The arms are to be brought out to the front of the body, and the forehead will rest on the ground. Curling up in this pose can provide the children the feeling of being held.
How To Do It:
Start on the knees and hands
Press your hips back in the direction of your heels
Stretch your arms so that they are in front of your body or curl down by the sides
Benefits Of The Pose:
Grounds oneself
Lowers stress
Promotes relaxation
Increases strength and flexibility of legs, ankles, and hips
Calms oneself
Releases tension from the body, mainly the upper body
This yoga pose is a representation of what it feels like to be in the mother’s womb. So, a child will experience comfort while doing this pose. The Child’s pose is also helpful in order to settle down kids who are upset, hyper, or overwhelmed. In general, it can provide optimum relaxation to the children.
3. Half-Lotus Pose (Ardha Padmasana)
The lotus pose is a popular yoga pose. A half-lotus pose is an easy form of the lotus pose. However, this pose can also provide the kids with equal benefits like the full lotus pose. In order to get equal results, it is essential to keep in mind to do this yoga pose on both sides of the body.
How To Do It:
Sit down on the floor
Fold your legs in front of your body
Keep one leg on the top of your other leg and flex the feet
Repeat the same on the opposite side of your body.
Benefits Of The Pose:
Grounds oneself
Corrects posture
Promotes relaxation
Increases creativity
Increases flexibility of the hips and legs
Releases tension from the upper part of the body
Strengthens awareness
While acting to be a flower, this yoga pose can be done. It makes the pose exciting and creative for the children. You can pretend as if the roots of the flowers are going down into the earth through your legs in order to grow into a flower.
4. Cobra Pose ( Bhujangasana)
The cobra pose is a funny pose and enjoyable for the kids. In this pose, you need to lay down on your belly, bring your hands flat to the floor under your shoulders, and straighten your arms a little to lift up the chest.
While doing this yoga pose, it is vital to ensure that you press only as much as is allowed by your muscles. This can help in keeping your body safe and avoiding overextension.
How To Do It:
Lay down on the ground on your belly
Keep your hands flat to the floor under your shoulders
Use your core and the back muscles to lift up
Remain in the position for a few breaths
Benefits Of The Pose:
Lowers stress
Reduces fatigue
Promotes better circulation
Increases positivity
Strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, arms, and chest
Corrects posture
Strengthens awareness
Increases creativity
In order to make this pose more fun, you can lie down on the floor with your hands flat, take a breath, and lift up to do the cobra pose. You can make hissing sounds while doing this pose. This can make the pose more fun and entertaining for the kids. It will bring giggles and encourage the kids to practice the pose.
5. Wide-Angle Seated Front Bend (Upavistha Konasana)
This is another important yoga pose that the kids can practice.
How To Do It:
Sit down on the floor with your legs out on both sides and flexed feet
Bring your arms up
Fold over your legs as much as possible
Remain in the position for a few breaths.
Benefits Of The Pose:
Improves digestion
Strengthens the muscles of the spines and core
Promotes relaxation
Increases flexibility of the hips and legs
Corrects posture
Lowers belly ache frequency
Performing this yoga pose as a team can be more enjoyable for the kids. In order to do the pose, two people are required to face each other. Bring the feet out toward the side in such a way that the feet touch that of the partners. Then both can join hands and pull each other carefully, turn wise to get deeper into the yoga pose. When one of the partners leans forward, the other partner leans backward.
6. Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)
Seated forward fold refers to an intense yoga pose that involves the stretching of the whole back of the body. This pose involves keeping your legs outstretched in front of your chest and upper body. The chest is gradually folded forward in order to rest on your legs. Your hands need to reach for your feet.
How To Do It:
Bring your legs out in front of your body and flex your feet
Bring your arms up
Fold forward as much as possible
If you cannot reach for the feet, try to reach for your leg
Remain in the position for a few breaths.
Benefits Of The Pose:
Lowers stress
Reduces fatigue
Improves digestion
Promotes relaxation
Decreases belly ache frequency
Relieves headaches
The seated fold has a lot of similarities to the wide-angle seated forward bend. However, the significant difference between both poses is the positioning of the legs. In a wide-angle seated forward bend, you have the legs to the side. But in a seated fold, it is in front of your body.
7. Butterfly Pose or Baddha Konasana
The butterfly is a popular yoga pose that has the main focus on the hip portion. It involves opening up the back, inner thighs, and buttocks.
How To Do It:
Sit down on the floor with knees out to your sides and feet together
This yoga pose can be done while flapping your legs or breathing deeply
Remain in the position for a few breaths.
Benefits Of The Pose:
Calms oneself
Promotes creativity
Grounds oneself
Improves digestion
Strengthens the abdomen and leg muscles
Reduces fatigue
Relieves headache
Decreases anxiety
The butterfly pose is a well-known yoga pose for children. It provides them with fun bonding experiences. While doing the pose, the kids can flap their knees and imagine flying or can tell a story.
8. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
The tree pose is one of the favorite yoga poses among children. This pose is a little challenging. However, there are a number of variations of the tree pose. So, it can be done by individuals of all abilities and ages.
How To Do It:
Shift your weight onto one foot and then bring your other foot to the thigh, ankle, or shin
Bring your hands up or the arms together at the chest
Try to concentrate on an object or a spot that is still
Remain in the position for a few breaths
Repeat the same with your other leg
Benefits Of The Pose:
Corrects posture
Promotes creativity
Promotes balance
Strengthens the muscles of the hips, legs, core, and glutes
Provides sensory input
Children use this yoga pose as a means of challenging each other. The challenge is to remain in the position for a longer time. It is a fun way of bonding.
9. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
Warrior I is known as the foundational yoga pose that allows balancing strength and flexibility in the real warrior sense.
How To Do It:
Step into a high lunge and bend your front leg to make a 90-degree angle
Bring your back foot flat to the floor, making an angle of 45 degree
Bring your arm up toward the sky and keep your hips squared
Remain in the same position for a few breaths.
Benefits Of The Pose:
Corrects posture
Promotes balance
Reduces anxiety
Lowers stress
Improves focus
Increases circulation
Promotes calmness
Strengthens the muscles of the hips, legs, arms, chest, and back
Provides sensory input
All the different warrior poses are fun for the kids. However, specifically, Warrior I prioritizes strength, focus, and balance. It is an excellent yoga pose to do with the children.
10. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
The corpse pose is one of the simple yoga poses. It includes lying down flat on the floor with arms by your sides, and your legs remain out straight in front of your body. It allows one to meditate while practicing yoga.
How To Do It:
Lie down on the floor with your arms by your sides and your legs in front of your body
Remain in the position while meditating or engaging in deep breathing exercises
Benefits Of The Pose:
Grounds oneself
Promotes creativity
Increases focus
Reduces anxiety
Calms oneself
To learn more about kids yoga, check out our entirely online, self-paced children’s yoga teacher training. This 95-hour Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher Training (RCYT) will run you through all the essentials of safely and thoughtfully empowering children through yoga. Learn more here.