Yoga Poses for the Second Trimester
As you enter the second trimester of pregnancy, you’ll probably want to breathe a huge sigh of relief. The morning sickness and bouts of nausea are on their way out, you have more energy and your stomach, while increasing, hasn’t yet started getting in the way. Indeed, the golden months of your pregnancy are here and yoga can help you enjoy them a bit more. Here are some simple poses that help you get through the second trimester of your pregnancy.
Vishnuasana (Side Leg Raise) – Lie down on your mat on your right side. Position your left leg so it is on top of the right one. Raise your head up and use your right arm to support it. Put your left hand on the left thigh. Now start raising the leg upwards and make it as vertical as you can. Move the hand on your thigh towards your left foot until you’re able to touch your toes. Hold it there for five seconds and then bring it down. Repeat on the other side.
Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) – Place your feet far apart – around 40 inches or so – and stand. Slowly move your right foot entirely outwards while moving your left foot slightly inwards. Inhale while raising your hands palms downward to your shoulder level. Exhale and bend your right knee till you’re approximately in a lunge position. Look forward in the direction that your left foot faces and inhale and exhale. Repeat with the other leg.
Trikonasana (Triangular Pose) – Keep your feet far apart and stand. Keeping your arms parallel to the ground, raise them up sideways while inhaling. Bend to your right side while exhaling and touch your right ankle with your right hand while keeping the left arm extended and raised upwards. Take a deep breath in while holding the pose and then rise back. Repeat on the other side.
Urdhva Hastasana (Standing Upward Stretch) – Stand straight and slowly raise your arms above your head while inhaling. Stretch them to the utmost and then relax and exhale. Next, you need to alternate each arm. Stretch one arm and then stretch the other. The breathing rhythm should be stretch – inhale, relax – exhale.
Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose) – With your feet together, stand still. Inhale and, with fingers interlocked, extend your arms above your head. Keeping your fingers laced, turn your palms upwards and let out your breath. Inhale once again and stretch your chest and arms out as much as you can. Then, while exhaling, relax your muscles.
The benefits of these exercises are manifold and range from increasing flexibility to relaxing muscles to increasing the blood flow to your brain and much more. All of these help you as an expectant mother and prepare your body for birth. Having said that, it is most important that you first consult your gynecologist before starting any exercise regimen and always work out under the eyes of a qualified and experienced instructor.